Paliwa gazowe dla bezpieczeństwa i konkurencyjności gospodarki energetycznej.
Transformacja i cyfryzacja - wyzwania na miarę epoki.
From January 1 to June 30, 2025, Poland holds the presidency of the EU Council. The motto of the Polish presidency is: "Security, Europe!" One of the seven identied pillars of security is – Energy Transformation. The agenda of the 28th Gazterm Conference is structured around four leading themes: security, competitiveness, transition, and digitization.
Security. Gas fuel markets operate within a specic international environment that can either destabilize them or contribute to their development. These aspects have already been addressed by us multiple times. However, the threats generated by geopolitical tensions did not disappear with the energy crisis of 2021–2022. The Russian-Ukrainian war is still ongoing, and political and military conicts persist in critical regions such as the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. The experiences of the past year show that not only the energy infrastructure running along the bottom of the Baltic Sea has been physically threatened.
These are very specic issues that require particular effort from states and infrastructure operators. Current information and a discussion of solutions in this area will therefore be an important part of the program for the 28th edition of the Gazterm Conference.
Competitiveness. An inspiration for the discussion on the future of the transforming sector is the nearly 400-page Mario Draghi Report. A particularly emphasized theme in the report is the issue of maintaining the competitiveness of European economies in the global economic race. Considering the above context, the agenda of Gazterm will therefore focus on exchanging opinions and discussing the economic aspect of the EU's climate policy in relation to the gas industry, alternative fuels, and the broader energy sector. The passing of another year of the energy transition prompts a summary and reection on the impact of the implemented transformation model on the condition of European economies and their ability to build competitive advantages.
Transition. In 2025, it will be seven years since the announcement of the European Green Deal, whose primary goal was achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Implementing this strategy, which primarily involves eliminating fossil fuels from European economies, remains the most signi cant challenge for Polish and European gas industries. Discussions under GreenGazterm will focus primarily on issues related to the status and development prospects of renewable gases in Poland, optimizing adaptation strategies to meet ESG requirements, and beneting from Poland's geological potential for gas storage.
We need investment in alternative energy sources, improved energy efficiency, and sustainable development. This requires signi cant nancial resources. Banks are becoming not only providers of capital but also advisors and partners, often acting as
involuntary gatekeepers for the implementation of these projects. From small local installations to large strategic projects, nancing will be the key to success.
Digitalization. The future of economic development depends on digitalization and innovation. Poland currently ranks among the lowest in the EU in terms of digitalization and the adoption of articial intelligence. Without signi cant investments in new technologies, there is a risk of losing Poland's position in global supply chains. We will invite companies to join the discussion that can help realize the digital ambitions of the energy sector. These companies will offer specialized nancing and support for planning and implementing advanced solutions.
The organizers of the Gazterm 2025 Conference intend to structure the agenda and moderate debates to balance the aforementioned values. Their goal is to contribute to a cohesive strategy for the energy industry that addresses the need to maintain economic competitiveness while ensuring the security of the national economy.
We look forward to seeing you at the 28th Gazterm 2025 Conference.
We'll be seeing you in Międzyzdroje,
Organizers of the 27th Gazterm Conference